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Businesses and Arts Enterprises Incentives and Amenities

​Admissions & Amusement Tax Exemption Program

Arts venues and enterprises dedicated to visual or performing arts located within the District are exempt from the collection of the State of Maryland's Admissions and Amusement Tax. Businesses must qualify for the exemption and notification must be provided to the State of Maryland's Comptroller's Office in order to be eligible.

Property Tax Credit

The Property Tax Incentive is for renovation of approved spaces in the Silver Spring A&E District for artistic purposes. A 10 year credit reduces the increase in the property tax that occurs when the assessment increases after partial or complete renovation of a building.  

     Eligibility Requirements:

  • The building must be zoned:
    • Commercial
    • Manufacturing
    • Industrial
  • The project must include either new construction (whole or in part) or renovation to certain buildings located within the District
  • The building/renovation must encompass space for an A&E Enterprise or create workspace or live-work space for artists
  • This tax abatement is available for a period of up to 10 years based on the level of improvements made to the property.
  • The improvements can receive the property tax credit if they are found to be capable for use by a qualifying artist or an arts and entertainment enterprise.

Public Art Amenity – Optional Method of Development

In the Silver Spring A&E District, the majority of public art pieces have come into existence through the largess of private companies which have chosen to install public art to satisfy a public space requirement.  The County receives public artworks as an amenity provided by private developers in exchange for increased density. Developers may choose to provide the artwork on their site as part of their public space requirement or may pay into the public art fund. This process was established in 1974 under the optional method standards of the Zoning Ordinance. The goal of the optional method is to create a more attractive urban environment through a package of public amenities designed to support increased density. Artworks approved under the optional method must be in publicly accessible and visible locations.  More information about the process can be found at


For Further Assistance on the Incentives and Amenities:

Silver Spring Arts and Entertainment District

Elizabeth Gallauresi, Silver Spring Arts & Entertainment District Coordinator

1 Veterans Place

Silver Spring, MD 20910

Phone: (240) 777-5301