This week, we had the pleasure of visiting our Clean and Safe team, affectionately known as the “Red Shirts,” as they brought out the Beauty in Gene Lynch Park! We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated team, who work tirelessly to beautify Silver Spring. From maintaining our beloved landscapes to enhancing safety and offering welcoming smiles that add to our community’s charm, their efforts are truly invaluable.

Silver Spring's Clean and Safe team, affectionately known as the 'Red Shirts,' embodies community care and pride. With the spring season planting in full bloom, reflections of their work can be seen in every corner. In the planted tulips at Gene Lynch Park and along Georgia Avenue's street medians, vibrant azaleas splash color and add to the beauty of Silver Spring. But their commitment stretches beyond mere aesthetics. Our clean and safe team spot safety concerns like potholes and swiftly address them, ensuring pedestrian crossings remain secure, and streets remain navigable. Through their efforts, the 'Red Shirts' safeguard and stabilize the heart of our neighborhood, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among residents and the community at large. Their work ensures that Silver Spring remains not just a place to live, but a vibrant urban haven cherished by residents and visitors alike.
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