This month, we're shining a spotlight on the historically African American Silver Spring neighborhood: Lyttonsville. Named after Samuel Lytton, who laid its early foundations in 1853, Lyttonsville stands as one of Montgomery County's oldest neighborhoods, steeped in rich heritage and vibrant diversity. With deep roots in African American history, Lyttonsville has evolved into a cherished enclave beloved by longtime families and newcomers alike.
Residents of Lyttonsville praise its tight-knit fabric, where neighborly bonds thrive and cultural connections flourish. From the Tyson family, rooted in the neighborhood for a century, to newcomers, Lyttonsville embodies unity amidst diversity. The neighborhood's enduring spirit shines through its diverse array of businesses and community initiatives, underscoring its pivotal role in Silver Spring's dynamic landscape.

Lyttonsville is bracing for major change over the next decade, from a planned Purple Line stop to a proposed Montgomery Parks contemplative space along the Capital Crescent Trail. Residents feel that whatever the neighborhood's future holds, the fact that residents are working together to create it proves its original character is still intact.
As we honor Black History Month, let's celebrate Lyttonsville's resilience, community spirit, and enduring legacy, honoring its past as we embrace its promising future.

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